C++ Win32 Console Tutorials

For Windows C++ Programming, see the Visual C++ Express Tutorial Series

Tutorial 1 - Download and First Program
Download the free Visual C++ Express from Microsoft’s website and and start programming.

Tutorial 2 - Escape Sequences
This tutorial shows escape sequence. Escape sequences are also called escape codes.

Tutorial 3 - Printing Math
Simple math calculations and functions are used within this tutorial.

Tutorial 4 - Variables and Data Types
This tutorial covers how to make a variables.

Tutorial 5 - User Input With cin
This tutorial shows how to get user information by using cin.

Tutorial 6 - If Statements
If statements are very simple to use. If the condition, in the statement, is met then the code is executed. If the condition, in the statement, is not met then the code is not executed. If statements may include else if or else segments.

Tutorial 7 - Loops
The while, do while, and for loops are shown within this tutorial.

Tutorial 8 - Checking Numeric User Input with cin.fail
If the computer is expecting a numeric value and gets a string, the computer program will generate garbage numbers and will not operate correctly. By using a boolean variable and cin.fail(), we can check if the user has input the correct data.

Tutorial 9 - getline Function
The getline function will be used with cin and a variable to get input from the user.

Tutorial 10 - System Programming and Commands
Up to this point, we have used system(“PAUSE”) to pause the computer, but we have not gone over what system() is.

Tutorial 11 - Proving 1 + 1 = 1
That is right. 1 + 1 = 1. Find out how this works.

Tutorial 12 - Simple Truth Tables
Both Boolean OR truth tables and Boolean And truth tables will be made.

Tutorial 13 - Boolean To String Conversion Function
btos - A Boolean (bool) to string function will be made.

Tutorial 14 - Random Numbers
A random number generator program will be made.

Tutorial 15 - Guess My Number Game
This tutorial will make the classic game Guess My Number. This game uses many of the concepts that were shown in the previous tutorials.