Time Lapse AppleScript for VLC for Mac Download and Tutorial

VLC is a free media player that can record pictures from a webcam. The AppleScript tells VLC to take pictures for as long at the user requires. Time Lapse Assembler makes a video from the pictures.

How to Use
1) Open VLC (Free Download at: VideoLan.org)
2) Set your preferences for capture, in VLC, VLC --> Preferences --> Video --> Video Snapshots
3) Set your capture device, in VLC, File --> Open Source
4) Also, set your resolution in the capture device area
5) Change the repeat, in the AppleScript, to how many pictures you want
6) Change the delay, in this AppleScript, to how many seconds delay you want between each picture
7) You may need to allow the Script Editor to control the computer. That is found in System Preferences --> Privacy --> Accessibility --> Script Editor of your Mac operating system
8) Run the AppleScript
9) When the AppleScript is done, use Time Lapse Assembler to make the video

AppleScript Code
repeat 5 times
tell application "System Events" to tell process "VLC"
click menu item "Snapshot" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Video" of menu bar 1
end tell
delay 1
end repeat
tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process "Script Editor" to true
display dialog "The Time Lapse Pictures Are Done"

Free Download
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Time Lapse Script for VLC - SchoolFreeware Program

Other programs used, in the video tutorial, but not from SchoolFreeware
VLC - www.VideoLan.org
Time Lapse Assembler - www.DayOfTheNewDan.com