Free Pascal Program Tutorial List

For GUI Free Pascal tutorials see the Free Pascal App Series

Install Free Pascal / Lazarus IDE for Mac
Installing Free Pascal / Lazarus IDE for Mac is a tedious process. This tutorial helps the process.

Install Free Pascal / Lazarus IDE for Windows
Installing Free Pascal / Lazarus IDE for Windows is a simple process.

Tutorial 1 - Getting Started - Free Download
This tutorial contains the link to download Free Pascal and Lazarus. The tutorial shows the user interface and shows how to make and compile a program.

Tutorial 2 - Math
Simple math calculations are shown in this tutorial.

Tutorial 3 - Variables and Data Types
Variables are used to hold data in memory. The data type tells the computer what type of data the variable will hold.

Tutorial 4 - Getting User Input
Readln and Read are used to collect data from user input. A variable with the correct data type must be used. The command readln (or its variation read) will collect the data. A variable with the data type must be declared to store the information.

Tutorial 5 - If Statements
If statements are used to make decisions.

Tutorial 6 - Case Statements
A case statement is just like an if statement. The case statement works well for menus.

Tutorial 7 - While Loop
The computer is excellent for doing things over and over again. This tutorials shows the While Loop.

Tutorial 8 - Repeat Until Loop
This tutorial shows examples of the Repeat Until Loop.

Tutorial 9 - For Loop
This tutorial shows examples of the For Loop.

Tutorial 10 - Input Validation
Sometimes the user does not enter correct information. The programmer must check to see if the information is correct or not.

Tutorial 11 - Preventing Crashes With Val
When the user places not numeric data into a data type, that is expecting a number, the program will crash. The Val function can be used to prevent the program from crashing.

Tutorial 12 - Menus
Menus are extremely important for directing the user to control the program’s function and understand what the program is capable of doing.

Tutorial 13 - Random Numbers
Randomizing data can be used in games and to calculate mathematical possibilities.

Tutorial 14 - Guess My Number Game
Guess My Number is a classic game that incorporates much of what the previous tutorials covered.

Tutorial 15 - Procedures
Procedures are used to chop large programs into understandable chunks. Procedures allow the programer to call code without having to write the code again.

Tutorial 16 - Passing Values to Procedures
Values can passed to procedures. This tutorial shows how to pass values to procedures.

Tutorial 17 - Functions
Functions are just like procedures with the exception that a function can return a value.

Tutorial 18 - Arrays
Arrays can hold data of the same data type.

Tutorial 19 - Gotoxy Screen Location
Gotoxy places the screen cursor at a location on the screen.

Tutorial 20 - Parallel Arrays
Parallel arrays work together to hold data that is related to the data in the other array(s)

Tutorial 21 - 2 Dimensional Arrays - Matrix
Two arrays will be combined to make a 2D array (matrix)

Tutorial 22 - Finding the Highest and Lowest Array Element
This tutorial will check each element in the array and find the highest and lowest number.

Tutorial 23 - Preventing Duplicate Data in Arrays
Sometimes, we do not want duplicate data loaded into the array. This tutorial will show how to prevent duplicate data from being stored in the array.

Tutorial 24 - String Manipulation
Strings are an array of characters. This tutorial shows how to call parts of the string and manipulate the data.

Tutorial 25 - Palindrome Strings
A palindrome is a word (string) that is the same backwards and forwards. This tutorial shows how to convert the string so it is backwards, then check the backwards string with the original string to see if the strings are the same.

Tutorial 26 - Separating Strings With ASCII Codes
ASCII codes are used to separate letters, numbers and other characters from the string.

Tutorial 27 - Separating Strings With Ranges
This tutorial is similar to Tutorial 26 with exception that this tutorial uses ranges to separate letters, numbers and other characters from the string.

Tutorial 28 - Running External Programs - Calculator IE MS Paint and Batch Program
TProcess is used to run batch programs, Paint, IE and the calculator.

Tutorial 29 - On the Record
Records are used to combine variables into one data type.

Tutorial 30 - Array of Record
Placing records into an array prevents the need for using parallel arrays.

Tutorial 31 - Making and Writing to Text Files
This video shows how to make and write to text files.

Tutorial 32 - Reading Text Files
The text file from Tutorial 31 is read.