QBasic Tutorial 42 - Text Files Part 4 - Saving Preferences - QB64

Text files are used to save preferences and data for programs. This program makes a preference file, then loads the data into the program. The user can change the preferences and the program will save the changes to the text file.

Code Download

QBasic / QB64 Links

QB64 is a free download at www.qb64.com

QB64 Wiki & Manual is found at qb64.com/wiki.html

QBasic 1.1 comes with OldDOS. A zip file of OldDOS can be found at www.pcxt-micro.com/download.html

QBasic 1.1 needs DOSBox to run on Windows Vista and greater, Mac, and Linux.
DosBox is a free download at www.dosbox.com

Free QB64/QBasic Code

QBasic.Net - www.qbasic.net

Pete's QBasic Site - www.petesqbsite.com/index.php

QB45 - qb45.org

Phatcode - games.phatcode.net